Welcome to the FORCE Opportunity Identification Plan! This document outlines the steps we take to uncover valuable insights and opportunities within your data through Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA). By leveraging data-driven techniques, we aim to identify areas for improvement and growth within your organization.

Steps for Data Opportunity Identification

1. Data Collection and Preparation

If you don’t have some kind of SSOT yet, this might take a while. Learn more on the Foundation module. During this phase, you will benefit from having done everything as described in that module.

  • Gather all relevant datasets, including internal and external sources.
  • Clean and preprocess the data to ensure accuracy and consistency.

2. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Through the power of the Observation module, explore your data and identify opportunities. Visualizations are key here to identify relationships and other patterns.

This stage is pivotal for transforming raw data into a clear roadmap towards achieving your strategic goals.

  • Conduct univariate analysis to understand distributions and outliers;
  • Use outliers and trends to identify opportunities or issues.
  • Conduct multivariate analysis to understand the data’s characteristics and relationships.
  • Perform correlation analysis to identify patterns and dependencies.
  • Analyze categorical data to uncover insights into different segments.
  • Engineer features and select relevant variables for further analysis.

3. Problem Identification

After your EDA, many questions usually arise. In this phase, we shift our focus from broad exploration to pinpointing specific challenges. Having explored the landscape of your data, we now delve into dissecting the intricacies of detected issues. This approach ensures we target the root causes, setting the stage for impactful solutions, addressing issues at their source and preventing future occurrences.

This is where we find most of the bottlenecks present in the organization.

  • Review EDA findings to identify inconsistencies, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement.
  • Analyze process bottlenecks, customer pain points, and other challenges within the data.

4. Opportunity Discovery

Use the Expansion module to find new opportunities and create new initiatives based on that.

  • Utilize EDA insights to uncover potential opportunities for growth, optimization, and innovation.
  • Identify market trends, customer preferences, and emerging patterns that can be leveraged for strategic advantage.

5. Solution Formulation and Implementation

As we transition into Solution Formulation and Implementation, it’s time to turn insights into action and begin capitalizing on the opportunities you identified. If discoveries don’t turn into concrete plans, they were useless and we won’t get our investment back.

  • Develop actionable strategies and solutions based on the opportunities identified.
  • Formulate plans for process improvement, technology adoption, and market expansion.
  • Create detailed implementation plans, including resource allocation, timelines, and milestones.
  • Communicate effectively with stakeholders and ensure buy-in for proposed solutions.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation

Finally, start monitoring. Tracking and visualizing your KPIs as well as setting up alerts to oversee the effectiveness of your initiatives, will help you make decisions on either maintain, grow or kill them.

  • Continuously monitor the implementation of solutions and evaluate their impact on key metrics.
  • Adjust strategies as needed based on ongoing data analysis and feedback.

7. Repeat

(make an introductio nsaying something like don’t risk becoming lazy - find another word for this - and repeat the process)


Our Data Opportunity Identification Plan provides a structured approach to unlocking the full potential of your data. By following these steps, we aim to not only identify opportunities for growth and improvement but also to empower your organization to make informed, data-driven decisions. We look forward to discussing these strategies further and working together to achieve your business objectives.